00-55 UK “Requirements for Safety Related Software in Defence Equipment” Aug 1, 1997.
Section 37.3.2 defines coverage requirements for unit testing and is interesting in terms of what is identified as required coverage during unit testing. This section is repeated below and the entire standard is at the link provided.
“37.3.2 The criteria for code test coverage of unit tests shall include:
a) all source code statements and all source code branches;
b) all source code variables set to minimum and maximum values as well as an
intermediate value;
c) all source code booleans executed with true and false values;
d)all feasible combinations of source code predicates executed;
e) all source code variables of enumerated type set to each possible value;
f) all source code loops executed 0, 1, an intermediate number and maximum times, where this is semantically feasible;
g) special cases, for example source code variables and source code expressions which can take or approach the value zero”.
It is also interesting and appropriate that in Section 37.4 this standard requires traceability of black box tests to requirements but not to software components/units and that no definition of “unit” is provided.
SoftwareCPR keywords: white box, traceability, United Kingdom, military.