Company: GE Healthcare LLC
Date of Enforcement Report 4/20/2011
Class ll:
1) GE Healthcare, CARESCAPE Monitor B650 The CARESCAPE Monitor B650 is a multi-parameter patient monitor intended for use in multiple areas and intrahospital transport within a professional healthcare facility. The CARESCAPE Monitor B650 is intended for use on adult, pediatric, and neonatal patients and on one patient at a time. The CARESCAPE Monitor B650 is indicated for monitoring and recording of, and to generate alarms for, hemodynamic (including EGG, ST segment, arrhythmia detection, EGG diagnostic analysis and measurement, invasive pressure, non-invasive blood pressure, pulse oximetry, cardiac output, temperature and mixed venous oxygen saturation), impedance respiration, airway gases (C02, 02, N20 and anesthetic agents), spirometry, gas exchange, and neurophysiological (including electroencephalography, Entropy, Bispectral Index (BIS) and neuromuscular transmission) status. The CARESCAPE Monitor B650 can be a stand-alone monitor or interfaced to other devices. It can also be connected to other monitors for remote viewing and to data management software devices via a network. The CARESCAPE Monitor B650 is intended for use under the direct supervision of a licensed healthcare practitioner, or by personnel trained in proper use of the equipment in a professional healthcare facility. The CARESCAPE Monitor B650 is not intended for use during MRI. Recall # Z-1930-2011;
2) GE Healthcare, CARESCAPE Monitor B850 The CARESCAPE Monitor B650 is a multi-parameter patient monitor intended for use in multiple areas and intrahospital transport within a professional healthcare facility. The CARESCAPE Monitor B650 is intended for use on adult, pediatric, and neonatal patients and on one patient at a time. The CARESCAPE Monitor B650 is indicated for monitoring and recording of, and to generate alarms for, hemodynamic (including EGG, ST segment, arrhythmia detection, EGG diagnostic analysis and measurement, invasive pressure, non-invasive blood pressure, pulse oximetry, cardiac output, temperature and mixed venous oxygen saturation), impedance respiration, airway gases (C02, 02, N20 and anesthetic agents), spirometry, gas exchange, and neurophysiological (including electroencephalography, Entropy, Bispectral Index (BIS) and neuromuscular transmission) status. The CARESCAPE Monitor B650 can be a stand-alone monitor or interfaced to other devices. It can also be connected to other monitors for remote viewing and to data management software devices via a network. The CARESCAPE Monitor B650 is intended for use under the direct supervision of a licensed healthcare practitioner, or by personnel trained in proper use of the equipment in a professional healthcare facility. The CARESCAPE Monitor B650 is not intended for use during MRI. Recall # Z-1931-2011
GE Healthcare has become aware of a potential safety issue associated with the CARESCAPE Monitor B650 & B850 Cardiac Output measurement using Patient Data Module (PDM), and activation of ECG Leads Off alarm in specific cases. 1. When the CARESCAPE Monitor is used to measure Cardiac Output values with the Patient Data Module (PDM) or TRAM Module, Cardiac Output values may be calculated incorrectly if the default catheter settings are used. This may lead to improper treatment. However, with user-defined catheter settings, the values are calculated correctly. 2. The ECG Leads Off alarm may not be activated with a specific user workflow. This can happen in a workflow where the user chooses to Update Lead Set in the ECG menu, but does not complete the ECG lead placement correctly. There will be a message of Lead Off shown within the monitor ECG waveform display to inform user of a missing lead. If the Lead Off error is not corrected and additional leads are removed or become disconnected, a complete loss of ECG monitoring can occur without activation of any Leads Off alarms. No injuries or illnesses reported..
Recalling Firm: GE Healthcare, LLC, Waukesha, WI, by letters dated March 23, 2011.
Manufacturer: GE Healthcare Finland Oy, Helsinki, Finland. Firm initiated recall is ongoing.
8,345 units
Nationwide and Internationally