Company: GE Healthcare, LLC
Date of Enforcement Report:9/4/2013
Class ll:
GE Ultrasound ViewPoint 6. Product Usage: ViewPoint is intended to be used in medical practices and in clinical departments and serves the purposes of diagnostic interpretation of images, electronic documentation of examinations in the form of text and images and generation of medical reports primarily for diagnostic ultrasound. ViewPoint provides the user the ability to including images, drawings, and charts into medical reports. ViewPoint is designed to accept, transfer, display, calculate, store and process medical images and data, and enables the user to measure and annotate the images. The medical images, which ViewPoint displays to the user, can be used for diagnostic purposes. ViewPoint is intended for professional use only. ViewPoint is not intended to be used as an automated diagnosis system.
Recall Number Z-2098-2013
GE has recently become aware of a potential safety issue due to the incorrect calculation of the pulsatility index value (PIV) for venous flow measurements associated with obstetric reporting of the GE ViewPoint 6 system. The ViewPoint calculated Doppler PIV for veins could be incorrect. An incorrect calculation of the ductus venosus PIV could lead to false high risk for trisomy 13, 18, and 21, which potentially results in an inaccurate consultation of the patient.
GE Healthcare, LLC, Waukesha, WI on 8/7/2013. Voluntary: Firm Initiated recall is ongoing.
Nationwide and Internationally