Company: GE Healthcare, LLC
Date of Enforcement Report:11/20/2013
Class ll:
AW VolumeShare 4 (ADVANTAGE WORKSTATION 4.3.): AW VolumeShare 5 (AW VOLUMESHARE 5 WITH ANGIOVIZ OPTION): AW Server. K052995: Advantage Workstation 4.3 is a review station, which allows easy selection, review, processing and filming of multi-modality DICOM images from a variety of diagnostic imaging systems. When interpreted by a trained physician, filmed or displayed images on the AW monitor may be used as a basis for diagnosis, except in the case of mammography images. K110834: AW VolumeShare 5 is a review workstation, which allows easy selection, review, processing and filming of multi-modality DICOM images from a variety of diagnostic imaging systems. When interpreted by a trained physician, filmed or displayed images on the AW monitor may be used as a basis of diagnosis, except in the case of mammography images. K081985: AW Server is a medical software system that allows multiple users to remotely access AW applications from compatible computers on a network. The system allows networking, selection, processing and filming of multimodality DICOM images. Both the client and server software are only for use with off the shelf hardware technology that meets defined minimum specifications.
Recall Number Z-0270-2014
GE Healthcare has recently become aware of a potential safety issue due to the image orientation within GSI viewer on AW products. The GSI Viewer application running on AW/Volume Share or on the AW Server when making a batch and rotating the batch group clockwise 180 degrees (Inferior to Superior) will display images in the Superior orientation. The orientation annotation on the image is correct. The concern is that the patient right/left representation is from the Superior view, which could result in a misreading of the image and misdiagnosis.
GE Healthcare, LLC, Waukesha, WI on 9/19/2013. Voluntary: Firm Initiated recall is ongoing.
1458 (336 US, 1122 OUS)
Nationwide and Internationally