Company: Medicrea International
Date of Enforcement Report: 2/06/2025
Class II
UNiD” Adaptive Spine Intelligence UNiD Spine Analyzer Product Number SW3002 UDI-DI code 03613720286929 Two cloud-based software applications within UNiD Adaptive Spine Intelligence (ASI): the UNiD HUB and the UNiD Spine Analyzer. The UNiD HUB cloud-based software is a healthcare application to receive, transfer, display, store data needed for planning a spine surgery or for post-operative follow-up (patient information, X-ray image and recommendations for planning). The UNiD Spine Analyzer cloud based software is a healthcare application intended for assisting healthcare professionals in viewing and measuring images as well as planning spine surgeries.
Recall Number:
Due to software anomalies that may impact on rod planning specifically, certain optional surgical parameters may have had errors that resulted in incorrect calculations displayed on system. Impacted parameters includes the following: Roussouly Classification, Real Lumbar Lordosis and Real Thoracic Kyphosis, Barrey Ratio, and Lenke Classification.
Medicrea International
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