Company:Smiths Medical ASD Inc..
Date of Enforcement Report 3/28/2018
Class lI:
The Medfusion Syringe Infusion Pumps are indicated for the following uses: 1) Administration of fluids requiring precisely controlled infusion rates including blood or blood products, lipids, drugs, antibiotics, enteral solutions and other therapeutic fluids; 2) By the following delivery routes: arterial, epidural, intravenous, intrathecal, subcutaneous, and enteral; 3)By the following delivery modes: continuous, volume/time, mass, body weight, intermittent, and bolus; 4) In critical care, anesthesia, neonatal, and pediatric applications or other healthcare settings where use of the syringe infusion pump can be monitored or supervised by a clinician; 5) Inside the MRI room mounted outside the 150 Gauss line and with shielded magnets of field strength of 1.5 Tesla
Recall Number Z-1134-2018 Z-1135-2018 Z-1136-2018
Certain Medfusion Syringe Pump Models, Series 3100, 3500, and 4000, may not recognize or may misidentify loaded medication syringes. The inability of a pump to recognize a syringe (i.e. the size of the syringe is unknown to the pump) results in an inability to complete pump programming. Misidentification of a syringe is where the pump misinterprets the syringe size.
Smiths Medical ASD Inc, Minneapolis, MN..on 11/30/2017. Voluntary: Firm Initiated recall is ongoing.
16,600 pumps total
Nationwide and Internationally