
An excellent overview of the challenges and benefits of the Microservices architectural style of software application development.  While many of the factors discussed by the author (Dr. André Fachat, published January 30, 2019), these same factors can affect the safety and efficacy of a medical devices using this style.  The article consists of two parts:...
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This January 2021 Standards Navigator Report content is only available to Standards Navigator subscribers.  See our Subscribe page for information on subscriptions. SoftwareCPR® Standards Navigator provides information and tools related to standards that play a significant role in health software and software intensive medical devices. In addition to information on existing standards, SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator keeps you...
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This December 2020 Standards Navigator Report content is only available to Standards Navigator subscribers.  See our Subscribe page for information on subscriptions. SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator Report provides information and tools related to standards that play a significant role in health software and software intensive medical devices. In addition to information on existing standards, SoftwareCPR Standards...
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Is it possible to view draft revisions of FDA guidance documents when they are a “work in progress,” or are they only become available once published as draft?  This is a frequent question that I have heard. However, the FDA does not typically provide copies or drafts of “works in progress” for those items that...
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ISO 14971 was updated and released in 2019.  We previously discussed the internal debate regarding ISO 14917 in this post ISO 14971 versus the EU Commission. There are several items to consider with the new update: Section 10.1 – “The manufacturer shall establish, document and maintain a system to actively collect and review information relevant to...
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Compliance and Agile In a prior blog, we discussed a common hurdle to achieving agile benefits: focusing on isolated software process changes and not considering all four organizational factors. Another common hurdle to agile success is thinking only about making agile “compliant.” You will miss the full power of agile if you do not consider...
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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is announcing the availability of the draft guidance on EMC entitled ‘‘Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of Medical Devices.’’ This new “draft” guidance document is intended to recommend information that should be provided in a premarket submissions to demonstrate electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for electrically powered medical devices and medical...
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At SoftwareCPR today, we honor our consultants that are also veterans who served in our US military! John Murray – US Navy Mike Russell – US Air Force Greg Sandoe – US Marine Corps Jordan Pate – US Army Paul Felten – US Army Thank you for your service!
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Why is a SR or NSR Designation important? The FDA guidance document, “Information Sheet Guidance For IRBs, Clinical Investigators, and Sponsors: Significant Risk and Nonsignificant Risk Medical Device Studies,” sheds some light on the Investigational Device Exemptions (IDE) regulations of 21 CFR 812. The IDE regulations describe significant risk (SR), nonsignificant risk (NSR), and exempt...
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FDA released their CDRH Proposed Guidance Updates that includes a significant amount of “software related” guidance in FY 2021. There are four separate guidance documents listed for publication in FY 2021. IMO that is a fairly large commitment from the agency and I will look forward to reading about the agency’s “current thinking” on these...
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Understanding OTS and SOUP is very important in every lifecycle stages of medical device and HealthIT software development.  In the late 1990’s, the US FDA first published guidance documentation on the use of Off-The-Shelf (OTS) software in medical devices (or sometimes referred to as “OTSS”).  At that time, OTSS generally accounted for a very small...
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Our internal cybersecurity expert Gwen contributed the following. The Use of LIS2 In Medical Devices LIS2-A2 is widely used in laboratory devices as a standard practice for Healthcare Delivery Organizations (HDOs). The LIS and LIS2 communication protocol standards published nearly two decades ago have often been used in medical device network systems due to their...
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In 2018, Google Health began a program in Thailand to screen for diabetic retinopathy using artificial intelligence (AI). The AI was designed to analyze photos of diabetic patients’ eyes to detect signs of eye disease. The AI was promising in theory – during testing, it was 90% accurate in detecting diabetic retinopathy in eye scans,...
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This September 2020 Standards Navigator Report content is only available to Standards Navigator subscribers.  See our Subscribe page for information on subscriptions. SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator Report provides information and tools related to standards that play a significant role in health software and software intensive medical devices. In addition to information on existing standards, SoftwareCPR Standards...
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On September 14, 2020 the Digital Health Team at FDA provided a 2020 Update on the Software Precertification Pilot Program. The announcement is a short 8-page document. The document provides the details that are driving program development. It contains a considerable amount of information that may take a few reads to fully understand. On my...
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Why are clinical studies necessary? Medical device clinical studies provide evidence for a PMA submission. Under 21 CFR 860.7, the FDA relies only on “valid scientific evidence” to determine whether there is reasonable assurance that a device is safe and effective. Valid scientific evidence can originate from a variety of sources, including well-controlled studies. Even...
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Remember the 2005 guidance document, Guidance for the Content of Premarket Submissions for Software Contained in Medical Devices? In 2020 that guidance is as relevant as ever, and it can be useful to review what we know about the FDA’s expectations regarding Level of Concern (LOC) in medical devices. LOC is important if for no...
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Do you understand the Q-Sub Guidance? The FDA issued the guidance document Requests for Feedback and Meetings for Medical Device Submissions: The Q-Submission Program in 2019, but it has taken some time for the industry to understand all the facets of the program. The guidance covers a wide range of FDA submissions – IDE/PMA/HDE applications, de novo...
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“Agile” remains a hot topic in general, and “compliant agile” is a goal in many medical (and other regulated) companies. However, “agile” also remains difficult and elusive for many. This article will examine one of the most common hurdles to achieving agile benefits from well-intentioned initiatives. First, let’s address agile and medical device development in...
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This July 2020 Standards Navigator Report content is only available to Standards Navigator subscribers.  See our Subscribe page for information on subscriptions. SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator Report provides information and tools related to standards that play a significant role in health software and software intensive medical devices. In addition to information on existing standards, SoftwareCPR Standards...
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What is a Real-Time PMA Supplement? Section 737(4)(D) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act defines a Real-Time PMA Supplement as: “a supplement to an approved premarket application or premarket report under section 515 that requests a minor change to the device, such as a minor change to the design of the device, software,...
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You are likely aware of the CAPA process overall and how it fits in to the quality management system for a medical device manufacturer or supplier.  Just the name itself, corrective and preventive action, describes one of the core values of quality management.  Surely we are all motivated to identify and correct problems and issues...
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This February 2020 Standards Navigator Report content is only available to Standards Navigator subscribers.  See our Subscribe page for information on subscriptions. SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator Report provides information and tools related to standards that play a significant role in health software and software intensive medical devices. In addition to information on existing standards, SoftwareCPR Standards...
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Going way back to the late 1990’s, FDA had an expectation that safe and effective software would require a well thought out development lifecycle that includes many activities designed to ensure the correctness and robustness of all software that was part of the medical device.  A key guidance document was created known as the General...
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This content is only available to Standards Navigator subscribers.  See our Subscribe page for information on subscriptions. SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator Report provides information and tools related to standards that play a significant role in health software and software intensive medical devices. In addition to information on existing standards, SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator keeps you up to date...
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ISO 14971 Risk Analysis Identifying safety risks in medical devices is a challenging and laborious process.  The process standard, ISO 14971, is a systematic, total product risk management lifecycle process to identify, control, and evaluate risk, where risk is defined as the combination of severity of the harm (to people, property, or environment) and probability...
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I am looking forward to teaching the IEC 62304 Course February 2020 with Brian Pate in Sunnyvale CA.–sunnyvale-ca-2138757731 For 15 years I taught the AAMI Software Validation Course with Alan Kusinitz.  These days I have shifted gears to teach the SoftwareCPR 62304 course with Brian Pate. There is a major shift in my perspective between...
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Do you have a question about FDA Digital Health Regulatory Policy?  FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health has a resource to help. I know from personal experience that the Digital Health Team (DHT) at FDA focuses a lot of energy and effort on answering these questions in an effective and efficient manner. During my...
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The FDA and the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)/Office of Rare Diseases Research (ORDR) conducted this needs assessment to better understand unmet medical device needs for rare diseases – ultimately to raise public awareness of these unmet needs.  Let this motivate us all to explore, push limits, innovate, and invent.  Onward software...
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This content is only available to Standards Navigator subscribers.  See our Subscribe page for information on subscriptions. SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator provides information and tools related to standards that play a significant role in health software and software intensive medical devices. In addition to information on existing standards, SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator keeps you up to date on...
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For anyone involved in software development, the importance of software requirements cannot be minimized. Software requirements provide the definition and explanation of “what the software should do” and “how the software should behave.” The software engineers and developers use the requirements as input to the software design and coding process. The test developers also use...
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Premarket Notifications (510(k)s), Premarket Approval Applications (PMAs), Premarket Reports (PMRs), notices, and supplements all have associated fees to be paid to the FDA before they will review a medical device product. The 2019 Medical Device User Fee Amendments (MDUFA) are listed at 2019 MDUFA. If the FDA determines that a manufacturer is a “small business”...
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Some thoughts on Requirements … using the General Principles of Software Validation to help. Many times we struggle with creating software requirements and documenting them.  The FDA General Principles of Software Validation-Final Guidance helps set the FDA expectations in this area.  Section 4.1 of the guidance states: “A documented software requirements specification provides a baseline for both...
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This content is only available to Standards Navigator subscribers.  See our Subscribe page for information on subscriptions. SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator provides information and tools related to standards that play a significant role in health software and software intensive medical devices. In addition to information on existing standards, SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator keeps you up to date on...
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Health Canada released the full guidance document, Pre-market Requirements for Medical Device Cybersecurity. It can be viewed at: It includes requirements such as: “Risk management is required for all medical devices throughout their life-cycle. Manufacturers should incorporate cybersecurity into the risk management process for every device that consists of or contains software. Manufacturers are...
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As more “software as a medical device” (SaMD) applications are developed and marketed, there has been an increased focus on what activities and documentation are required for compliance with US medical device regulations and applicable ISO standards.  Along with the rise of SaMD has come the emergence of supporting organizational, management, and production activities that...
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Another useful reference for establishing a safety culture in your software organization. “The purpose of this Handbook is to define the NASA Safety Culture Program and to provide guidance in the development and implementation—sustainment, growth, and practice—of Safety Culture at the Center level. It defines the NASA Safety Culture Model, describes the Safety Culture Survey...
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This template is conceived as a partial example template for a generic small device with embedded real time control. Explanatory comments are included in << comment >>. Other text is example definition that you should replace with your own text. This is not a complete Software Configuration Management Plan, just a training example to guide...
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A SoftwareCPR example for software release note and revision history.  Software Revision Level History Example
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This content is only available to Standards Navigator subscribers.  See our Subscribe page for information on subscriptions. SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator provides information and tools related to standards that play a significant role in health software and software intensive medical devices. In addition to information on existing standards, SoftwareCPR Standards Navigator keeps you up to date on...
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This 62304 Conformance Checklist Tool is only available to Premium and higher subscribers.  See our Subscribe page for information on subscriptions. 62304 can provide an excellent framework from which to design a software process for medical device, medical mobile app, and/or HealthIT software.  62304 was created specifically for this type of software - it was not...
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Today FDA issued a final guidance, “Requests for Feedback and Meetings for Medical Device Submissions: The Q-Submission Program.  Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff Document (May 7, 2019).  The FDA’s Q-Submission Program provides submitters an opportunity to have early collaboration and discussions about medical device submissions. In our opinion, early feedback and...
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Many years ago, Capers Jones, the software metrics guru, analyzed his database of thousands of software projects for the key factors affecting “real” software quality.  “Real” software quality relates to how the software actually performed and how robust in the field.   His list in priority order was: Programmer Application (domain) Experience Programmer Technical Experience Reuse...
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This content is only available to Standards Navigator subscribers.  See our Subscribe page for information on subscriptions. Recent standards and regulatory activity overview Medical device software Following the failure of the DIS of 62304 to be approved, the IEC 62304 working group requested input from the ISO and IEC member countries. There was not a consensus...
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The West Australian reported that two autonomous haulage systems (AHS) trucks experienced a collision when one of the trucks backed into the cab of the second truck that was stationary at the time.  This is of interest to us as the AHS trucks are software controlled and they crashed.  Clearly a failure mode.  The initial report is...
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FDA issued a Safety Communication on January 31, 2019, (see Safety Communication Link) warning of the risk of air being introduced in a blood vessel (air-in-line) and air embolism for infusion pumps, fluid warmers, rapid infusers, and accessory devices.  This communication is directed toward users (both clinical and service personnel) and patients.  However, what can system architects,...
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Health Canada has recently provided a new approach for device approval as outlined in their “Action Plan on Medical Devices: Continuously Improving Safety, Effectiveness and Quality.” Canada classifies medical devices based on their potential risk, with Class I devices being lowest-risk and Class IV devices presenting the highest risk. The collaborative new approach aims to...
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The Verily Study Watch is a device worn on the wrist that digitizes patient physiologic measurements and processes the raw data through algorithms both on the wrist worn device and additional processing when communicated to cloud based computing systems.  The idea is that the Verily watch would be worn similar (or as!) a consumer device...
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This content is only available to Standards Navigator subscribers.  See our Subscribe page for information on subscriptions. Standards and regulatory activity overview Medical device software It appears that in response to a question posed by the IEC 62304 working group, the ISO and IEC member countries want ISO 14971 to be required for use of the second...
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Clearly one of the great struggles with medical device product design is to understand and finely tune the design input for our devices.  It is difficult but the payoff can be great when done well – pays off with development efficiency, greater certainty with safety risk control, and ultimately in customer satisfaction. In our training...
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SoftwareCPR Training Courses:

IEC 62304 and other emerging standards for Medical Device and HealthIT Software

Our flagship course for preparing regulatory, quality, engineering, operations, and others for the activities and documentation expected for IEC 62304 conformance and for FDA expectations. The goal is to educate on the intent and purpose so that the participants are able to make informed decisions in the future.  Focus is not simply what the standard says, but what is meant and discuss examples and approaches one might implement to comply.  Special deep discount pricing available to FDA attendees and other regulators.

3-days onsite with group exercises, quizzes, examples, Q&A.

Instructor: Brian Pate

Next public offering:  June 24-26, 2025 (Boston, MA)

Multiple participants from the same company: If you register 5 or more from the same company before March 15, 2025, receive a special discounted registration of $1999 per person.  These registrations may be transferred to another person at any time. Email to register and secure the TEAM discount.


For private, in-house courses, please contact us.

Email for more info.



Being Agile & Yet Compliant (Public)

Our SoftwareCPR unique approach to incorporating agile and lean engineering to your medical device software process training course is now open for registration!

  • Agile principles that align well with medical
  • Backlog management
  • Agile risk management
  • Incremental and iterative software development lifecycle management
  •  Frequent release management
  • And more!

3 days virtual (Zoom) with group exercises, quizzes, examples, Q&A.

Lead Instructor: Mike Russell

Next public offerings:

  • Americas: 11-13 February 2025
  • EU/Eastern Europe/Middle East/Africa/Atlantic/eastern South America: 18-20 February 2025
  • Southern Central Northeastern Pacific: 24-26 February 2025
See our post titled: 1st Quarter 2025 Agile Compliant Courses Scheduled


Medical Device Cybersecurity (Public or Private)

This course takes a deep dive into the US FDA expectations for cybersecurity activities in the product development process with central focus on the cybersecurity risk analysis process. Overall approach will be tied to relevant standards and FDA guidance documentation. The course will follow the ISO 14971:2019 framework for overall structure but utilize IEC 62304, IEC 81001-5-1, and AAMI TIR57 for specific details regarding cybersecurity planning, risk characterization, threat modeling, and control strategies.

2-days onsite with group exercises, quizzes, examples, Q&A.

Instructor: Dr Peter Rech, 2nd instructor (optional)

Next public offering:  TBD

Corporate Office

15148 Springview St.
Tampa, FL 33624
Partners located in the US (CA, FL, MA, MN, TX) and Canada.